woman in library looking at laptop

Academic Integrity

Academic honesty

Your success is based on your academic integrity. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the UCSC Silicon Valley Extension Academic Integrity Policy and the Student Handbook and University Policies, particularly section 100, the student code of conduct. It covers several key areas including plagiarism.


Attribution v. Plagiarism

Using your own thoughts and original work

Be sure that all your work is really your own. When you're writing papers, taking tests, writing code and submitting any assignments, be careful to claim only what is your own personal work.


Whenever you quote someone or base your ideas on another person’s work, you must document the original source that you used. If you are unsure what is allowed in your course, refer to the syllabus and ask the instructor. This counts for homework assignments, research papers, exams, and individual/group projects.

Questions to ask yourself

  • Did you think of it?
    • Yes. ➡ Do not cite it.
    • No. ➡ Is it common knowledge?
      • Yes ➡ Do not cite it.
      • No ➡ Cite it.

What is plagiarism?

Here are some examples:

  • Copying someone else’s work.
  • Stealing or borrowing words, images, design, coding, or ideas.
  • Not crediting someone else's work including an author, researcher, artist, philosopher, or an anonymous author on a website.
  • Purchasing papers online and submitting them as your own.
  • This includes coding.
Plagiarizers may be dismissed from a program immediately.

Student Academic Integrity Policy

International Inquiry Form

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Call +1 (408) 450-4945

Envelope extensioninternational@ucsc.edu

To schedule an online meeting with an international advisor, please click here.