Mobile Application Development - Android and iOS, Advanced | CMPR.X422
In this course students move from the introductory concepts of our first Mobile Application Development course to a more comprehensive coverage of popular concepts and architectural topics required for developing successful, high quality mobile applications. Students will enhance their understanding and skills using a more advanced technology stack including background operations, web operations, and image handling. You will also practice interactions with operating system features—audio, video, camera, telephony, maps, location services, notifications, advanced GUI layouts, and navigation bars. This course also covers performance and memory management recommendations. Through coursework and classroom exercises of increasing depth, students will create a fully functional mobile application involving multiple advanced features and cloud back-end.
To truly complete the picture, you will explore the basics of cloud-based backend infrastructure and its integration with mobile applications. Using the Firebase cloud platform from Google, we will focus on essential topics such as user authentication, data synchronization across multiple mobile devices, analytics, and continuous application monitoring. This course also covers fundamentals of cyber security techniques for both Android and iOS mobile platforms, an extremely valuable skill set for any professional developer.
Learning Outcomes
At the conclusion of the course, you should be able to
- Discuss advanced architecture and design for applications on both platforms – Android and iOS
- Demonstrate the best practices of development
- Explain design patterns used towards solving common problems
- Create a professional quality mobile application with cloud backend services and in line with the fundamentals of mobile cyber security guidelines
Topics include
- Background operations
- Navigation and notifications
- Web and connectivity
- Common operating system functionalities
- Maps and location services
- Backend cloud services
- Cyber security fundamentals
- Memory management and performance
Skills needed:
Familiarity with at least one higher-level language such C++, Java, C#, Python, or PHP and Introduction to Mobile Application Development.
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Estimated Cost: $850
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