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HRM Program updates 2025: circle of professionals talking in an office

More flexibility for the Human Resource Management student!

As part of our ongoing effort to align the program with industry demand and better serve you, we've updated the Human Resource Management program in a few key ways.

There is no change in the overall number of credits you need to earn, but you will have more choice in the electives you can take.

New program requirements

Students will need to complete:

  • A total of 9-11 courses (minimum 15 quarter units), including:
    Former requirement: No change

    • 6 required courses (10.5 quarter units).
      Former requirement: 8 required courses (13.5 quarter units)

    • 3-5 elective courses (minimum 4.5 quarter units).
      Former requirement: 1-3 elective courses (minimum 1.5 quarter units)

  • End with the certificate review.

Other Program Changes

  • Finance for the Business Professional (BUSM.X403), formerly a required course, is now an elective under the Leadership Development track.
  • Law and Human Resource Management (HRMT.X405), formerly a required course, is now an elective under Employee Relations.

Declared Candidacy before Feb. 1?

Students who declared candidacy before Feb. 1, 2025, may follow the current requirements above or the former requirements that were in place when they declared. It's up to you!


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