
MCAT® Prep Course

Course Code: PBSV.803
Live-Online Course

Enroll in MCAT® Prep Today!

Engage with our MCAT experts from wherever you are!

Prepare to raise your MCAT score when you put in the work with the expert teachers in a flexible, online MCAT prep course that fits your schedule.


  • Personalized homework assignments based on your strengths and weaknesses
  • Access to unlimited live-streamed workshops
  • A 3,000+ question Qbank that you can customize by length, topic, and subtopic
  • 17 full-length, realistic practice tests
  • The mobile companion app to practice on-the-go
  • 7-book MCAT subject review set
  • 90+ brand new content refresher videos covering the highest-yield MCAT topics
  • All the official AAMC practice materials available
  • Flexible scheduling options that make it easy to fit studying into your life
  • Virtual reality study app covering ~1,000 MCAT science topics (compatible with Meta Quest 2 headset)
  • Explainer videos for 300+ difficult and high-yield MCAT questions on official AAMC practice tests

How your course works

After purchasing your seat in the MCAT® Prep Course, please allow 2-4 business days to receive online access to the Kaplan MCAT prep course and 7-10 days for the delivery of Kaplan MCAT prep books.

If your books have not arrived by the start of your class, you can access the eBooks via your syllabus. Instructions for this can be found in How Your Course Works.

One year of course access

Once you've purchased your seat, you will have access to the course for 12 months.



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