
Sharmila Roy

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"Educational therapists are school and community change agents. We are advocates who empower students by helping them understand their strengths."

Dr. Sharmila Roy, Educational Therapist & Program Chair

SHARMILA ROY, Ph.D., has over 30 years of experience in special education, primarily in teacher training, classroom interventions, and curriculum development. She is a special consultant for the Schwab Learning Center in Palo Alto, CA, and has worked in private practice as an educational therapist, as well as in the non-profit sector, and helped families navigate the special education system for their children. She has extensive experience working in K-7 classrooms and one-on-one with exceptional students, especially in the area of multi-sensory mathematics learning for students with learning differences and executive functional skills. Roy has been trained in the United Kingdom and received a doctorate in Special Education from the State University of New York at Buffalo. She has served as the chair of the Educational Therapy certificate program since 2014.

Associated Program(s)
Educational Therapy TESOL

Sharmila Roy's courses currently open for enrollment

Culture and Cultural Diversity

Start Date End Date Quarter Units Location Cost
07-02-2024 09-03-2024 4.0 SANTA CLARA / REMOTE $780.00 Enroll

Neurodivergent Learners

Start Date End Date Quarter Units Location Cost
07-27-2024 08-10-2024 1.0 REMOTE $285.00 Enroll