
Mike E Tzamaloukas

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MIKE TZAMALOUKAS, Ph.D., M.B.A., general manager at Amazon Web Services Automotive, has more than 12 years of experience launching multiple high-volume consumer and enterprise products in industries ranging from telecommunications and transportation to government and services. Tzamaloukas is a serial entrepreneur and a passionate instructor who stays on the leading edge with the latest technologies and social media developments.

Associated Program(s)
Marketing Management

Mike E Tzamaloukas's courses currently open for enrollment

Consumer Insights: Data Analysis and Interpretation

Start Date End Date Quarter Units Location Cost
11-09-2024 11-23-2024 2.0 SANTA CLARA / REMOTE $650.00 Enroll

Web and Mobile Analytics

Start Date End Date Quarter Units Location Cost
08-17-2024 09-07-2024 2.0 SANTA CLARA / REMOTE $650.00 Enroll